Dry Sherry, Parte Dos. May the Flor be With You. Manzanilla, Manzanilla Pasada, Amontillado and Palo Cortado In Parte Uno of discovering dry Sherry, we met Fino and Oloroso. These are entirely different from each other yet they originate from the same base wine. The essential difference between them is that their creation is either by ageing biologically with flor (Fino) or …
International Sherry Week, 2-8 November 2020
International Sherry Week, 2-8 November 2020 International Sherry Week takes place between 2-8 November 2020. Time once again to celebrate Spain’s great gift to the world! There are the floral delights of a chilled Manzanilla or Fino. Or try the nutty notes of an Amontillado and Oloroso. Add the umami flavours of Palo Cortado, or the sweet caramel of PX. …
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International Sherry Week, 4-10 November 2019
International Sherry Week, 4-10 November 2019 International Sherry Week takes place between 4-10 November 2019. Let’s all celebrate Spain’s great gift to the world! From the floral delights of a chilled Manzanilla or Fino to the nutty notes of an Amontillado and Oloroso. From the umami flavours of Palo Cortado to the sweet caramel of PX. This is the week …
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