Kellerai Kaltern – Schiava Specialists

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Italy, Sustainability

Lago di Caldaro - Kalterersee

Kellerai Kaltern – Schiava Specialists Kellerai Kaltern (Cantina Caldaro) is the largest cooperative winery in northern Italy’s Alto Adige (Südtirol) region. It’s in Kaltern an der Weinstraβe (Caldaro sulla strada di vino). Its long name shows its proximity to Kalterersee (Lago di Caldaro), the region’s largest lake. The name also appends the regional wine route, which winds 150 km through …

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Ushas – Rosenmuskateller and visions of the Divine

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Italy, Sustainability

Ushas Rosenmuskateller/Moscato Rosa

Ushas – Rosenmuskateller and visions of the divine The Kellerai Kurtasch (Cantina Cortaccia) is one of those magnificent Alto Adige wine co-operatives, focusing on sustainability in the vineyard and the winery. Founded in 1900, its 190 hectares of vineyards rise to 900 metres in this alpine terroir on steep slopes that welcome the sunrise.  As is usual in these parts, …

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Cantina Tramin and their path to Alpine wines

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Italy, Sustainability, Wine Business

Cantina Tramin

Cantina Tramin and their path to Alpine wines Cantina Tramin is one of the leading wine producers in the Alto Adige (Südtirol) region of northeast Italy. This co-operative is in the village of Tramin (Termeno), comprising some 300 members and 270 hectares of vines, some of which are now organic. In this mountainous region, individual family holdings are frequently tiny, …

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Peter Zemmer Riesling and Pinot Noir

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Italy, Sustainability

Zemmer Rolhüt Pinot Noir

Peter Zemmer Riesling and Pinot Noir A recent Wine Alchemy article introduced Weingut Peter Zemmer from the Alto Adige (Südtirol) region of Italy. It featured his “cru” Pinot Grigio Riserva called Giatl. Rather than reprise that piece here, suffice to say that the Peter Zemmer operation is a family-owned winery in the south of the region, at Cortina ssdv. As is typical …

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The Great Vine – the World’s Oldest Grapevine?

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, England and Wales, Germany, Italy

The Great Vine, Hampton Court - Schiava

The Great Vine – the World’s Oldest Grapevine? Where is the world’s oldest grapevine? Perhaps in continental Europe, which has been growing grapes for centuries. Alternatively, in a place that’s a cradle of winegrowing, such as Georgia or Syria. Surprisingly, the world’s oldest fully documented grapevine is thriving in London. This is The Great Vine, which it’s now 252 years young. …

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Lagrein from Cantina Bolzano: Taber Riserva

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Italy

Cantina Bolzano / Kellerai Bozen: Lagrein and more

Lagrein from Cantina Bolzano: Taber Riserva Lagrein is an Italian native red grape variety, grown mostly in Trentino-Alto Adige since ancient times. Lagrien usually makes a monovarietal wine but does also feature in blends. Arguably, Lagrein wines are best from around Bolzano, the capital of the Alto Adige. Indeed, the Benedictine monks of Gries Abbey near Bolzano were famous for …

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A brilliant Winemaker Dinner in the Alto Adige

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Hotels, Restaurants & Pubs, Italy, Travel

A brilliant Winemaker Dinner in the Alto Adige with Martin Aurich and Armin Gratll

A brilliant Winemaker Dinner in the Alto Adige One of the best Winemaker Dinners that I’ve been to was earlier this year in the Alto Adige (Südtirol), where Italian and German cultures meld together. The Winemaker Dinner took place in the town of Merano, some 30 kilometres north of Bolzano in Italy at the “Ansitz Plantitscherhof”. It’s one of the 29 …

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The Alto Adige Wine Summit – Live At The Witch Trials

Paul Howard Alto Adige/Südtirol, Articles, Blog, Italy, Travel

The Witch Mountains, Alpe di Siusi

The Alto Adige Wine Summit – Live At The Witch Trials I recently attended the first Alto Adige Wine Summit, based in Bolzano, in Italy’s mountainous far north. Part of the activities included the most memorable wine event I’ve ever been to, the Wine in the Mountains tasting. It was in the Dolomites that tower over Bolzano, at over 2,000 metres. …

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