Serving Temperature – What’s Ideal For My Wine?

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, Wine Tasting

Wine serving temperature

Serving Temperature – What’s Ideal For My Wine? I’m often asked, “What’s the ideal serving temperature for my wine?”  That’s usually followed up with, “And how best to achieve it?” Both questions are important because the serving temperature affects a wine’s smell and taste. Getting that right heightens drinking pleasure immensely. Every wine has its Goldilocks zone. A common suggestion …

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Silly Tasting Notes and Neuroenology

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, Book Reviews, Wine Tasting

Faces - silly tasting notes

Silly Tasting Notes and Neuroenology It might seem obvious, but the taste of wine occurs in the human brain. Indeed, there is a good deal of scientific research that’s gradually revealing how this works. A terrific book called Neuroenology, by Gordon M. Shepherd, explains this in detail. So why also include the Silly Tasting Notes in this article? Well, once the taste …

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