Pisa – Stay and Explore at Badia di Morrona

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, Food, Hotels, Restaurants & Pubs, Italy, Sustainability, Toscana, Travel

Pisa and Badia di Morrona

Pisa – Stay and Explore at Badia di Morrona The Badia di Morrona winery near Pisa has been featured previously on this website for some excellent red wines.  The first article concentrated on I Sodi del Paretaio, two Chianti DOCG wines. Then, the second piece featured their flagship wine, VignaAlta. This latter red wine is a Tuscan gem, the best …

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VignaAlta, the flagship of Badia di Morrona

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, Italy, Organic, Sustainability, Toscana

Badia di Morrona VignaAlta

VignaAlta, the flagship of Badia di Morrona Badia di Morrona was featured in these pages last year with their I Sodi del Paretaio, a Chianti DOCG that comes in Annata and Riserva forms. You can read about those wines here. This article reviews their flagship wine, VignaAlta, a 100% Sangiovese designated as the up-and-coming Terre di Pisa DOC. Terre di Pisa DOC Wine …

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A Tuscany Travelogue – introducing Toscana

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, Italy, Toscana

Tuscany: Fontodi Conca d'Oro

A Tuscany Travelogue – introducing Toscana. This is an overview article about the wines of Tuscany because many regard it (with some justification) as quintessential Italy. This is a topic needing an entire book or two. However, here it is in less than 1,300 words. Two included maps show just how complex Tuscany is. For brevity, the links in the …

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Tenuta di Ghizzano and a double anniversary

Paul Howard Articles, Biodynamic, Blog, Italy, Organic, Sustainability, Toscana, Travel

Tenuta di Ghizzano

Tenuta di Ghizzano and a double anniversary The Tenuta di Ghizzano occupies the gently contoured low hills of the Colline Pisane, southwest of Pisa, less than an hour away. Here, there’s plenty of wine grown in coastal Tuscany, yet they are often obscurities. Twenty-six generations of the Venerosi Pesciolini family have owned this 350-hectare estate since 1370. Today it’s in the …

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