Wine Alchemy – a Manifesto (of sorts)
Alchemy (al′ kə mē) n.
1. An early form of chemistry, with philosophical and magical associations, studied in the Middle Ages. Its chief aims were to change base metals into gold and to discover the elixir of perpetual youth.
2. A method or power of transmutation. Esp., the seemingly miraculous change of one thing into something better. From the Greek word ‘chumeia’, the art of extracting juices from plants.
About Paul Howard

Wine is fascinating. Alchemy is my chosen word to describe the human ability to create a potentially profound drink from mere fruit juice.
An accidental holiday in Beaujolais first sparked my wine interest. That led to wine history, art, science, beauty, people, business, and more besides. Most important was discovering that Wine celebrates life in so many ways. There’s more to life than Wine, you know. But not much more.
As for writing, this maxim from Pliny The Elder is my goal: “True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read, and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it.”
Now, decades later, I find my wine journey as exciting as ever. I’m a storyteller, communicating about WTF: Wine, travel, and food. There are other drinks, too, and I go off-piste occasionally.
The Wine Alchemy website was founded in 1998. The world has undergone enormous changes in the 25 years since. Now, the Climate Emergency and degradation of ecosystems require that all wine processes become sustainable in the journey from grape to glass. Hence, a clear environmental stance is taken, and only sustainable wines and are featured here.
Independence is also a fundamental value. I write ALL my stuff. There are no ghosts and no guest posts. No advertising, affiliates or clickbait either. Furthermore, I do not engage with any social media or AI. Also, because your privacy and security is also paramount, my intention is to provide a safe and secure website.
This version of the website, launched on 11 April 2016, replaced a more primitive version and is now the principal repository for my wine articles. This is a website for wine lovers who like to read. Since 2023, Wine Alchemy is online only.
Regarding my qualifications, an MBA (Master’s Degree) and a BA in Geography are valuable in understanding many aspects of Wine. Professionally, I am one of twenty people worldwide with WSET Diploma (Honours) in Wines and Spirits, with Distinction, Level 5. In the same year (2004), I was awarded WSET’s Wine Trade Club Paten Scholarship, which I spent in New Zealand.
Other past awards include Wine Education Expert of the Year (Food & Drink Awards 2017), Best Wine Education Expert (Global Excellence Awards 2017), Best Opinion/Editorial Shortlist (Born Digital Wine Awards 2017) and Highly Commended (WinesDirect Awards 2019).
Because actions can speak louder than words, I’m a member of responsible environmental organisations and contribute to local projects and activities.
My Society of Authors membership is also invaluable as an author, editor, ghostwriter and proofreader.
With wine judging, I’ve participated in the most prestigious international wine competitions in Europe and the UK. I now only judge wine in competitions held outside UK.
While fortunate to visit many of the world’s wine regions, a special relationship has developed with Italy, Spain, France and New Zealand. I’ve always been happiest in the vineyard and have supported Organic and Biodynamic agriculture for many years.
Wine tasting remains a matter of opinion, mine and yours. Everyone is different; respecting this is part of the fun and should never be forgotten. After all, wouldn’t it be terrible if we all liked the same thing?
Whatever your tastes, I hope you enjoy your Wine. I’m not here to tell you what to like, but I’m happy to make recommendations. And if you’d like to discover more about what’s in your glass, then stay awhile and explore these pages.
Paul Howard è uno scrittore indipendente qualificato vincitore di molti premi, wine educator, giudice enologico internazionale e speaker.
Paul è il fondatore e direttore di Wine Alchemy, portale dedicato al vino, ai viaggi e al cibo. L’interesse per il mondo del vino è scaturito dopo una imprevista vacanza in Borgogna anni fa. Da quel momento, Paul ha visitato molte regioni vinicole in tutto il mondo. L’Italia, la Spagna, la Francia e la Nuova Zelanda sono aree che stanno particolarmente a cuore a Paul.
Paul ha ottenuto il WSET Diploma ed è stato vincitore della Wine Trade Patent Scholarship. È membro della Society of Authors
Per molti anni Paul ha perseguito una carriera nel settore dei servizi finanziari, coprendo cariche senior, e conseguendo anche un MBA e BA. Come consulente, egli ha condotto ricerche sull’innovativa tecnologia finanziaria conosciuta come Blockchain, la quale è stata definita come la più grande trasformazione nel mondo del business dal tempo di internet. La Blockchain sta attirando milioni di dollari di capitale.
Ora, mixando la sua esperienza nel mondo del vino con il settore FinTech, Paul è il primo wine writer a narrare come le tecnologie digitali Blockchain trasformeranno il mercato del vino – dal grappolo al bicchiere.
Tuttavia, le sue preoccupazioni primarie sono ora l’Climate Change e l attivismo ambientale. Sono anche membro di organizzazioni ambientale.
Paul non smette mai di imparare e il vigneto e’il posto che lo rende piu felice!
Soy un narrador; escribir independientemente sobre el vino, la comida y los viajes. Soy dueño de Wine Alchemy, y un nuevo sitio web lanzado en 2016. Mi escrito ha sido publicado en varias revistas y revistas en línea en Europa, el Reino Unido, América del Norte y Nueva Zelanda.
El vino profesional cualificado con el diploma WSET (honores) en vinos y licores, recibí la beca de vino del club Paten en 2004. Juzgo en concursos internacionales de vinos. También tiene un MBA y BA.
Otra área de especialización es cómo la tecnología Blockchain transformará la industria del vino. De hecho, soy el escritor de vinos para escribir y consultar sobre vino y Blockchain. Sin embargo, los rápidos cambios en el clima y la degradación del ecosistema terrestre hacen que este interés se extienda a la promoción de procesos de elaboración sostenibles del vino desde la uva hasta el vidrio. También significa que ahora soy un activista ambiental. También soy miembro de organizaciones medioambiental.
Estoy en mi mayor momento en el viñedo, y soy un miembro activo del Society of Authors (SoA).
Je suis un conteur; écrire indépendamment sur le vin, la nourriture et le voyage. Je possède Wine Alchemy, et un nouveau site Web lancé en 2016. Mon écriture a été publiée dans divers magazines et revues en ligne en Europe, au Royaume-Uni, en Amérique du Nord et en Nouvelle-Zélande.
Le vin professionnel qualifié avec le diplôme WSET (L5 honneurs) dans les vins et spiritueux, j’ai reçu la bourse du vin du Club Paten en 2004. Je juge à des compétitions internationales de vin. Il a aussi un MBA et BA.
Un autre domaine d’expertise est comment la technologie Blockchain va transformer l’industrie du vin durable. En fait, je suis le premier vin écrivain d’écrire et de consulter sur le vin et Blockchain. Toutefois, la modification rapide du climat et de la dégradation de l’écosystème de la terre signifie que cet intérêt s étend à la promotion de processus vitivinicoles durables du raisin à la vitre. Cela signifie aussi que je suis maintenant un activiste environnemental. Je suis également membre d’organisations environnemental.
Je suis à mon plus heureux dans le vignoble, et je suis un éducateur certifié WSET. Aussi un member de Society of Authors (SoA).