Off the beaten track – some lesser-known Italian wines

Paul Howard Abruzzo, Articles, Biodynamic, Blog, Calabria, Italy, Molise, Organic, Sardegna, Sicilia, Sustainability, Trentino, Umbria, Wine Tasting

Nine Italian wines off the beaten track

Off the beaten track – some lesser-known Italian wines Despite the smaller harvests reported this year, Italy remains the biggest wine-producing country globally. Many readers will know that this massive volume of wine is also incredibly diverse, whether in quality, price, style, terroir, business or winegrowing philosophies. The last time I looked, there were 569 grape varieties registered, with 377 …

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Tintilia – drinking the Hilltop Grape of Molise

Paul Howard Articles, Blog, Italy, Molise, Organic, Sustainability

Tintilia del Molise DOC - Settevigne, Claudio Cipressi

Tintilia –  drinking the Hilltop Grape of Molise. Tintilia is an Italian native red grape variety that comes from the region of Molise. Despite this variety being of high quality, it became abandoned because it had low productivity when quantity was vital to survival. Besides, constant rural depopulation and the second world war’s devastations helped hasten its demise. However, now that …

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